Marco Aboytes


Who I am

My name is Marco Aboytes. I may operate under different brands, businesses or entities. Each one of them could have their own Privacy Policy

What data do I collect


When you visit the page, data such as the IP address, the browser and device type you use, and other browsing activities and values are collected for statistical and security purposes. By entering the site, you accept this data collection. You can use a Tor browser, Proxy or VPN technologies for more anonymous access.

Contact Data

When you send information I use your e-mail address or any other contact source for sending you messages, and your name as an identifier on my Contacts. Only myself or people working on behalf of me have access to your data. You can use a custom nickname instead of your real name for privacy purposes.

Content from other sites

Some pages may display content from other sites. For example, a YouTube video. The content of other sites behaves as if you were viewing it from the source site, and they may collect information from you or use third-party cookies and may monitor your activity if you have an account on that site and are logged into it. You can block third-party cookies on your device for data privacy.

Who do I share data with?

I could share your data with companies or people related to your inquiry. The data will be only used for that purpose and only to give you feedback about your questions or comments. Some data is sent to Google to prevent spam.

How long do I retain your data

I will retain your data as long as we have a business or personal relationship.

Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of data usage (ARCO Rights).

At any time, you can make use of your data rights. Send a request and I will take care of it.

Where is your data sent to?

Your personal information and some personal public data (for example: your work company name) may be saved in my CRM system. Mechanisms are established so that the information cannot be intercepted by third parties, such as encryption, user authentication, and other tools.


For any matter related to your data, please use this page.